Medical Connections Anyone?

Joshua is 6 years old and has cerebral palsy along with a long list of other diagnoses. He had an infection last year that left him nonambulatory and nonresponsive.

Lafayette Region Department of Children & Family Services (DCFS) has asked if we can help this foster child. Joshua is bed/wheelchair bound and has fought hard in the last year just to stay alive. He is with a family that have taken amazing care of him and are committing to adopting him. Since his infection last year and the resulting five month hospital stay, he has been unable to regulate his body temperature.

His body does not stay as warm as it should, and this is likely an issue he will have the rest of his life. The family is trying to get something called a Bair Paw. It is a machine that would keep him warm all the time. It is safer to use than a heated blanket or heating pad, which cannot be used long term and can cause burns. The Bair Paw price ranges from $500-$1600 depending on the source.

They also needs disposable blankets and gowns to use with the machine. The family has already been informed that Medicaid will not cover these expenses.

Items needed:

  • Bair Paws Warming Unit
  • Bair Hugger Pediatric Warming Gowns
  • Disposable blankets

If you have connections to any medical equipment providers and are willing to help this family, Joshua and his foster parents would really appreciate it!

Call Foster Friends if you can help – 337-205-8005